18-09-2012 Angel Ace Pres Innertrance LXXVII

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Hey:wave::hug:pretty well at the moment and very surprised somehow about what I'm listening now:wow:in a good way ofc:choon:s :love:ky!:super: you?:dance:

Ah, glad you're liking it. I'm doing okay, thanks today:super::hug:
Oh boy
is there something good in here??

Hello guys :wave:
MORE :choon:after:choon:after:choon:after:choon:after:choon:after:choon:after:choon:after:choon: :super::love::wub::love:
Angel Ace - Innertrance 077 18 Sep 2012:

01. Jaco - Malaysia (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
02. DGoh - Minus Degrees (Eximinds Remix) [Amon Vision]
03. Ferrin & Morris - Iris (Original Mix) [Transistic]
04. ReOrder pres. Group Number One - Cry Me a Rainbow (Suncatcher vs Pizz@dox Remix) [Silent Shore]
Angel Ace - Innertrance 077 18 Sep 2012:

01. Jaco - Malaysia (Original Mix) [Enhanced]
02. DGoh - Minus Degrees (Eximinds Remix) [Amon Vision]
03. Ferrin & Morris - Iris (Original Mix) [Transistic]
04. ReOrder pres. Group Number One - Cry Me a Rainbow (Suncatcher vs Pizz@dox Remix) [Silent Shore]
sound lovely :D
