Thanks for tuning in d00ds! Glad you all enjoyed it \0/ \0/ \0/ Here's the tracklist....
1. Jones & Stephenson - The First Rebirth (Danjo & Styles Remix)
2. Will Holland - Timeless (Deepwide Remix)
3. DJ T.H. Feat Robin Vane - Be My Hero (Extended Remix)
4. Photographer - Kervansaray (Original Mix)
5. Daniel Kandi - Australia (Original Mix)
6. Onova - Platitude (Original Mix)
7. Nitrous Oxide - Frozen Dreams (Original Mix)
8. Alex Wright - Galactica (Extended Mix)
9. Daniel Kandi - Holy Cow (Extended Mix)
10. Hemstock & Jennings - The Passion (John O Callaghan Remix)
11. Gaia - Tuvan (Andy Blueman Remix)
12. Inertia - The System (Original Mix)