CUE generator


Nov 29, 2008
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Hello trancelovers :music:

I have made this little tool to help ppl make CUE files. I had not found one so I made one. Hope it'll help.

The idea came from Though, I don't like the way you have to enter timing manualy if you don't have the Regions List so I made it a bit easier. Well, see for yourself.

You can find the following in the app's Help.

How does this work:

1. Enter Performer, Title, File name and Tracklist
For the program to work the tracklist have to be in one of the following formats:
01 Performer - Track
01. Performer - Track
Performer - Track

2. Use the Load info into CUE na generate timings button to load info from the left side to the right (generating CUE syntax and timing boxes).

3. Timings are in the MMM:SS:ss format where MMM - minutes, SS - seconds, ss - hundredths of a second

4. By clicking the Update timings button (not visible in the begining) you can update the CUE log with the timing data in the timing boxes.

5. By clicking theEdit CUE button you can edit the content of generated CUE log. Be aware of the fact that proper function of this tool is not asured after manual edit of the generated CUE log.

6. Use the Save CUE button to save generated CUE or simply copy&paste generated CUE log into a txt file and save as *.cue.

EDIT: there was a minor bug which I fixed, DL link updated
EDIT2: another bug fixed, new feature added
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This is nice! although I am not going to use it since I have nothing to do with CUE sheets.

To let you know, similar application was already made by timscarfe

Generating a cuesheet from a forum discussion thread dynamically

It is very good that you made GUI for your application, unlike timscarfe's application. But the fact that tracklist has to be pasted manually is like one step backward, because timscarfe has made it in such a way that it will automatically parse the tracklist from the forum, then layout it out in order!

I suggest if you get in touch with timscarfe who developed his application, and see if you together make a synergy of your work? lot of people will appreciate it.

also, please mention in brief steps how to use your application, just something for the forum to read before downloading the app.

Wailo :friends:
This is nice! although I am not going to use it since I have nothing to do with CUE sheets.

To let you know, similar application was already made by timscarfe

Generating a cuesheet from a forum discussion thread dynamically

It is very good that you made GUI for your application, unlike timscarfe's application. But the fact that tracklist has to be pasted manually is like one step backward, because timscarfe has made it in such a way that it will automatically parse the tracklist from the forum, then layout it out in order!

I suggest if you get in touch with timscarfe who developed his application, and see if you together make a synergy of your work? lot of people will appreciate it.

also, please mention in brief steps how to use your application, just something for the forum to read before downloading the app.

Wailo :friends:

Thanks for the appreciation :music:

As for the app operation: I put a pretty precise description into the app's help so you can find it over there. I'll past it to the first post in a minute too...

My goal was to provide users with a tool to create a CUE sheet when they have the actual tracklist available. This had happened to me several times so I'd decided to do something about it :)

I'm not against expansion of this app's function. I'll see what I can do!
Thank yew for the beautiful offline TOol , instead of Generating it online form the Website !
Very THANKS for this fantastic program!! :)

A question: when loading the information of the cue set tracklist artist and performer author, not the two fields .... if you can solve for the next version would be very good!

thanks and where there is information for future versions of the program to download?

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And the "You may edit your posts" rule is on...
actualy, it seems that I can only edit post twice?
Very THANKS for this fantastic program!! :)

A question: when loading the information of the cue set tracklist artist and performer author, not the two fields .... if you can solve for the next version would be very good!

thanks and where there is information for future versions of the program to download?


I am sorry but I don't understand the problem. There is a newer version available now so try that one. :music::music::music:

Please Spiq reupload cue generator v1.3 please, link of megaupload not found :****


Very very THX!!

Done, check above and thanks!
But what has to be installed in my system to make your script working?

Make Cue File or Cue Sheet - - yet another site to generate cue from tracklist. It makes it great if tracklist looks like that:

[00:00] 01. Paul Oakenfold - Perfecto On Tour - Intro
[00:06] 02. The Israelites - Here I Am (Sam Vahedi and Swedish Egil Remix)
[05:54] 03. Paul Oakenfold feat. One Republic - Not Over Yet (Dirty Freqs and Swedish Egil Remix)
[11:14] 04. Barrington Lawrence and Shefali - Eclipsing the Sun (Joey Modus Remix)
It requires MS .Net 3.5 to be installed on your computer.
May i post some words about QeD (QeD - The Ultimate Liveset Cuesheet Editor | DOWNLOADS)
It can also create a cue from a tracklist by importing txt-file or from clipboard.
QeD - The Ultimate Liveset Cuesheet Editor | FAQ

U can even apply mask in options to make any your tracklist acceptable.
This very usefull for me, because after listening to a a DJ's set and determining the time when a track starts, my tracklist looks like that:
00-00 01. Artist - Title
08-50 02. Artist - Title
15-30 03. Artist - Title

As U see, time-index is typed in format MM-SS (as for me, the simpliest way).
So, to make this my tracklist format understandable by QeD, i apply such a mask in options of QeD: #MIN#-#SEC# #TN#. #AR# - #ST#
