International Boards

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Feb 29, 2008
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hey PPl

Its very nice we are international, but in some of the boards i understan nothing, cause you speak not english there....but i wanna know whats going on in Poland, Russia, Spain etc but cant read it...its sad cause im sure there are alot of ppl they want to know and go to events there but when cant read it, never know:wow:

so please make that boards understanding for everyone here:grinning:

hey PPl

Its very nice we are international, but in some of the boards i understan nothing, cause you speak not english there....but i wanna know whats going on in Poland, Russia, Spain etc but cant read it...its sad cause im sure there are alot of ppl they want to know and go to events there but when cant read it, never know:wow:

so please make that boards understanding for everyone here:grinning:


First reaction:
"get it together and learn foreign languages !!!:P"
Then second reaction:
"U're right, it is sometimes frustrating not to understand a word in some of the threads!!":P
But then, once again, that's how the world is since King Nimrod and his wonderfull tower's result, we all speak different languages!!!.... So let be it!!!:grinning:
this is the whole purpose of international forums, people unite from their country and chat, cant really expect everyone to speak english in poland or other countries.

thats my 2 cents
Actually i think its a great idea to have the International Forums...why?..because not everybody speaks english...and at least by having a dedicated section for them to talk amongst themselves it encourages them to sign up and stick around...
its way better than having them start conversations in their own language in threads where everyone speaks english that, IMO is very annoying. :smile1:
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