Trance Music Helps?


Sep 1, 2008
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Well I've been surfing the web a bit..and this topic popped up on me.

Trance music DOES in fact help me concentrate, especially progressive, and I've seen alot of people comment the same way, even those that hate trance.

I'm trying to find solid proof of this..I know classical music is proven (almost)..I think trance should be next, since there are many elements of classical music associated with trance music.

I especially like these ones (even if they aren't really credible :grinning2:)

Urban Dictionary: trance

This one seems a bit more organized..

What do you think..? :good:
i guess it depends on the person. i know a few people who can only work in absolute silence (or well, more precisely that's just what they prefer), they even made an effort to silence their pc, all the fans etc, down to total silence.

me personally i can't stand silence, i need music whereever i am, especially during work. on the other hand, i couldn't concentrate with classical music at all, it's more annoying to me than anything else. so i don't think any universal statement can be made wrt this.
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it helps me, i can't work in total silence but i find the everyday noises to be distracting, so i have the music on, and if i really need to concentrate i need to wear headphones to totally block out the said "everyday noises", also since i sometimes get weather related migraines i found out that loud music in headphones helps ease the pain....yeah, "weird", many may say, but it works for me, and it may work for others except that probably because the first instinct when we don't feel well is to curl up in bed, turn off everything and sleep, they never tried it, but while sleep is very beneficial i think total silence only allows one to concentrate more on the "uncomfort" they are experiencing.
for years while studying i always wore headphones, and often ppl asked me how can i all comes down to personal preference as dfx pointed out,
for me over the past few years the music has become such an important part of me "functioning" that i have lost interest in watching TV, maybe the odd DVD once in a blue moon, but i simply can't bring myself to turn down the music.
i found the "Music Vs Workflow"article you posted the link to, to be very interesting, although it confirms some of my theories.
the bottom line is you either like silence or music, the choice of music is irrelevant.
i did yoga and meditation for a while, and the "normal" music associated with such activities are the soothing, very low BPM sounds of chillout, but i have found myself being able to enjoy it even more with the higher BPM of trance, at the end of the day what is most important is YOU as an individual and figuring out what works for you.

if you're interested in this type of studies, i can recommend a very good book, which i haven't yet finished myself, that deals with the effects of music in general on the brain.

This Is Your Brain On Music by Daniel Levitin
I find listening to music helps me focus and it always has. Unfortunately my parents never went in for the idea when I was at school and had homework to do, but thankfully I only answer to the wife now :) With driving it's especially so too!

I find it much easier to concentrate when I have music on as it gives some kind of constant anchor for all the thoughts rushing round in my brain - you could even say listening to music or mixing is quite a meditatory act for me :music:

The genre itself I don't think is so important, like t4e says. I've also tried meditation in its' traditional sense with both ambient music, upbeat music and silence (weirdly enough, I find this easiest with silence!)

I'd love to work with music on or with headphones on as I know I'd be twice as productive, but unfortunately my office are still stuck in the "no fun at work" philosophy :chair:
Electro, Techy, and all the dirty tracks.... they really help me annoy my wife, if I want to start a fight :grinning2: :tease:
Hahaha well I'm still doing studies, and like Lazarus parents don't really go for the whole music+study thing..

As for reading on this subject, I'd love to, and I'll surely go in the next few days ( Christmas Break) and read up.Thanks for the suggestions.

I guess it really DOES depend on the person..but the thing about classical music making you smarter kinda has me skeptical..sounds like an old wives' tale.
Eheh I am lucky so. Listening to trance when I'm working for school is became a necessity. When I make my lesson synthesis, trance really help me to concentrate.
It's even the same at school when I work on computer (java, php, delphi and so on), I put my headphone with AH and it really help me to work... That's different that when you hear all your school mate around you.

There is an exception : I don't listen anything when I'm really studying, or yes, but at very low volume...

Anyway, trance is a magical music :D
Anyway, trance is a magical music :D

You nailed it. There's something's almost like those bi-aural treatments or those things you can download to get high off frequencies (never tried em..but alot said they work to an extent)

But what is it..what is it about trance that keeps you coming back for more..we know there's the energy and the emotion..

meh...I guess that's what it is :grinning2:

I wonder if trance music is really meant to do what it's called...putting you in a state of trance..
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I have done an exhaustive study on Trance music and the brain. Here is what I have come to conclusion to.

Trance is in fact directly related to Classical, as well as the classic hymns of the 17th century (because of their repetitiveness and the fact that it is a written music, and also it goes by a specific set of chord harmonies commonly found in Baroque Classical).

It is also related to a form of music called Ambient. This is where trance gets it's relationship to Classical in the musical evolutionary tree. From this info, I have summarized that Trance is not typically a music of our time, but it really is a music of the future, and therefore, has futuristic qualities, like Brain concentration, Life extension, and the need to build things that are of the future. This is based upon a logical assumption.

Hopefully this helps. Peace, Larretronix..
Electro, Techy, and all the dirty tracks.... they really help me annoy my wife, if I want to start a fight :grinning2: :tease:

You're terrible. Hahah
