09-09-2008 Bee Bee - State of JorDance 044

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    Votes: 8 80.0%
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wow BEE-BEE..i was just thinking about you making an all uplifting set ...your great at that...
welcome to the forums isasis :wave: hope you enjoy it as much as i do :)

Wow :wow: Thank you so :super: Big hug :hug:
my mom just told me to lower the music..cause you can hear it down the block as she was arriving from work she hears it from almost the corner ...like thats loud evyqueen87..:choonalert:
Arcane Science -- Twisted Intent

In love with this tune !!
gotta go now... can't hear the rest of this :wavecry: night night...
I love New York City, such a haunting vocal:super::super::super:
i got kick out by the weather .....
DON"T LAUGH ...thats not funny.... i missed alot....it took long for me to get back on ...weather is bad atm.... but at least they let me listen to the rest of the show... :P:lol::lol:
