you shoulddammit... the milk i am about to drink now is light green in color... should i ? shouldn't i ? :|
you shoulddammit... the milk i am about to drink now is light green in color... should i ? shouldn't i ? :|
he might have 3rd hand then or... ehm.. something elsemy guess is that it is radioactive
my guess is that it is radioactive
he might have 3rd hand then or... ehm.. something else
is that your final answer ?
no, can i take 50:50, im saving my phone a friend life line for the million pound question....
too much tv i guessno, can i take 50:50, im saving my phone a friend life line for the million pound question....
who is that?ok Vic's ava reminded me of my new ava so decided to put it up now
*glug glug*
i feel a little weird.....
who is that?
i thought it might be radioactive damn it's just flavored milkit says pistachio flavored milk, is that why it is green ? hmmmm..
it says pistachio flavored milk, is that why it is green ? hmmmm..
327 is kicking some serious ASSSSSSSSSSSS over here......... !!!
too much tv i guess
327 is kicking some serious ASSSSSSSSSSSS over here......... !!!