Well, look at it this way, your given the opportunity to broadcast a set to the world once a month. And it takes just an hour to make that set, I know this cos ive made enough sets of my own for own entertainment to know what it takes. But for some its all just to much trouble. Or they are doing other things and simply haven't the time to do it. What, haven't the time to do what the whole point of your job is, which is playing your sets out to the world?
See you later Polar!worth a thought -
Well, look at it this way, your given the opportunity to broadcast a set to the world once a month. And it takes just an hour to make that set, I know this cos ive made enough sets of my own for own entertainment to know what it takes. But for some its all just to much trouble. Or they are doing other things and simply haven't the time to do it. What, haven't the time to do what the whole point of your job is, which is playing your sets out to the world?
Cześć aakos! What's up?
Hello there Bjorn!Good day everyone hope you like the set
Poland is still covered in snow. Yeah, chillin all the way.czesc mr Szalony and trancefan0883
grey saturday afternoon's here, just chillin
Good day everyone hope you like the set
Poland is still coveredin snow. Yeah, chillin all the way.
Were you tuned yesterday to SevenWays' set?here's no snow just stupid wind