cheersawwwwwww i hope you feel better F
cheersawwwwwww i hope you feel better F
is there norwegian DJ's today?don't miss tonight 2 great Dj's from Norway
Kimito Lopez is norwegian.. but isn't Orjan Nilsen a swedish guy?
okey, forget that. hes a guy from Finnmark(right on the top end of norway)
hehe, my mistakeOrjan Nilsen is not Norwarigian?
i knew it, i thought i was getting crazy
hehe, my mistake
in sweden they write it Orjan, but hes name, in norway is Ørjan.. it's quite different with Ø and O
nope, we are the only one in the whole world that got æøå on our keybordyeah i don't have that characters here in my keyboard
yeah.. but can't wait until 22 pmthis track is amazing