hello Elisha, cough aakos
eh ehh, damn i gonna change this ava soon..i guess
hello Elisha, cough aakos
overplayed On a Good Day
Hey Buffalodude, ehm dave, sorryHi Katadunkass. Everything ok mate??
I know, we really need to do something about thatoh hello, i haven't talked to you for ages
How are you doing Ollie?Katadunkass
Cloud 88, Katadunkass, Buffalodave2, scarlett, Maxi+, The Cat Lady+, ollie, ozzyxpm, SadYear, piccoli+, IvIcHkA, Infie+, Space Garden, Trender, aakos
I don't believe you
Cloud 88, Katadunkass, Buffalodave2, scarlett, Maxi+, The Cat Lady+, ollie, ozzyxpm, SadYear, piccoli+, IvIcHkA, Infie+, Space Garden, Trender, aakos
02 Vast Vision ft.Fisher - Everything (Aly & Fila Remix)
02 Vast Vision ft.Fisher - Everything (Aly & Fila Remix)
Hey Buffalodude, ehm dave, sorry
Everything is just fine! Listened to trance all day!
How are you doing? :smile:
Aly & Fila Remix
Hey Cloud... won't you say hi to the trance fairy...
02 Vast Vision ft.Fisher - Everything (Aly & Fila Remix)
I did not see any dancing bananas beforeremember: ALWAYS trust dancing bananas
It has yet to top Big Sky, "being overplayed"-wise !
I know, we really need to do something about that
Hey Cloud... won't you say hi to the trance fairy...
tomorrow i've got the first one i hope that everything's gonna be ok
Think he turned the volume to "max"Beautiful track.
Are the vocals to your taste, piccoli ?