can we keep it in english
sure sorry
can we keep it in english
and you know this wailo0o0
yayayay!!! SunnyT
Markus is tonight danmark...i tried getting in touch with elanie to see if she was gonna attend but i havent got any feed back yet
no i'm asking about your signature
haha you can do that, if you whant i can ask leen where jan lives
tuned in. sounds great track right now
hello all
can we keep it in english
not much lately. been busy going to the pools. lol. but i will start spamming soon again. lolspammer II is here..
Hello Junior
well thanks we could put " Rotterdam " as ' location of 4 Strings ' , right ? For people worldwide the small distance between the small village and the large town of Rotterdam is no real issue
Just as a global < generic, non-specific > impression - I never post details that aren't already at a Public URL / address on the web somewhere