TCL i answer your question!! see his profile! (kiss too)Tuned in!
i'm sure..i mean there are so many places for visiting
well that state is so huge (for me ) i love geography and maps
thanx for advance
Cloud 88: Yes--i do enjoy the uplift. i also like "strong" tunes from the likes of Alive Stone (i.e., "Snowslip") & others.
aakos: yes--WMC would be lots of fun, but as i said, all day drive from here. maybe i could fly down, but my kids would want to go too... hhmmm....
unfortunately, i don't think WMC focuses on Trance either, so the rest of it i wouldn't care for so much.
I'm cold and hungry. It's 64°F in my house. I'm gonna get dressed and fix breakfast. :grinning: