Did someone mention New World? 
This one is in promo now and out shortly! 8th June at Audiojelly and 22nd June in all stores
Lazarus - Back From The Dead Episode 146 - Defcon Unreleased Showcase VII
1. Infite - Deep Identity [Defcon]
2. Sandeagle - 2 Years (Function C presents Keelin Temple remix) [Defcon]
3. ID - ID [Defcon]
4. Defcon Audio featuring Julie Harrington - Lost In You (Greg Murray 2012 remix) [Defcon]
5. ID - ID [Defcon]
6. Space Garden - Sora (Daniel Skyver remix) [Defcon]
7. Jaden Merrick - Fast Life [Defcon]
8. Diffract - Deep Serenity (Touchstone remix) [Defcon]
9. tranzLift - Heaven's Shore (New World remix) [Defcon]

This one is in promo now and out shortly! 8th June at Audiojelly and 22nd June in all stores

Lazarus - Back From The Dead Episode 146 - Defcon Unreleased Showcase VII
1. Infite - Deep Identity [Defcon]
2. Sandeagle - 2 Years (Function C presents Keelin Temple remix) [Defcon]
3. ID - ID [Defcon]
4. Defcon Audio featuring Julie Harrington - Lost In You (Greg Murray 2012 remix) [Defcon]
5. ID - ID [Defcon]
6. Space Garden - Sora (Daniel Skyver remix) [Defcon]
7. Jaden Merrick - Fast Life [Defcon]
8. Diffract - Deep Serenity (Touchstone remix) [Defcon]
9. tranzLift - Heaven's Shore (New World remix) [Defcon]