/me takes out the vocal hater HQ with a bazooka missile packed with screaming angelic vocals
/me takes out the vocal hater HQ with a bazooka missile packed with screaming angelic vocals
hello hunny
Ах тии, много си нахитрял
/me takes out the vocal hater HQ with a bazooka missile packed with screaming angelic vocals
Great actor of course...but my fav is and will always be Al Pacino...
i know.... :|
hope he'll be okey, hes a awesomw actor
very beautiful vocals , yeah
Special for piccoli
Ах тии, много си нахитрял
that's the same as an rpg right?
I agree with bot, guys
Hello Cloudy & Sypher
Lazarus, rafonho, Altered-Mind+, Sypher+, Maggy, robejaegs+, vinniee72, Squall, Trance_Gregory, *AvA*, dizzybugstain, Veroxx, c00l.d00d+, Cloud 88+, SUNNY TOMORROW, xander2v2, Victoria+, evyqueen87
Evening all, hope you enjoy the show tonight! Glad you could drop by
Back From the Dead 101
Hey AVAI agree with bot, guys
Hello Cloudy & Sypher
Lazarus, rafonho, Altered-Mind+, Sypher+, Maggy, robejaegs+, vinniee72, Squall, Trance_Gregory, *AvA*, dizzybugstain, Veroxx, c00l.d00d+, Cloud 88+, SUNNY TOMORROW, xander2v2, Victoria+, evyqueen87
Evening all, hope you enjoy the show tonight! Glad you could drop by
Will Smith my fav