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05-02-2011 DJ Resonate - Energy Transmissions 021

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hey :hug:today was pretty nice by day and now it's night or mornin..(1am) and I'm listening to music:music:what about you ?:megacrazy::hug:

I'm ok, thanks. Its almost 11-15 pm here and enjoying these tunes in this set:megacrazy::):hug:
I'll still be tuned, but I have to check something out. :dancing: I'll be back on this thread in a few minutes! :dancing:
great tune
Hey all sorry cant join you tonight im on my mobile phone posting this!

Big thanks to Danmark for soing the tracklist for me :)

1084 Listeners ~ DJ Resonate - Energy Transmissions 021 on AH.FM

05-02-2011 DJ Resonate - Energy Transmissions 021 :book:

01. Aiera - Aiera
02. Airosource - Diving (Mike van Fabio Remix)
03. Tom Colontonio - Turn That Sh!t Up
04. .. .. ..

Tom Colontonio
Tom Colontonio
Discography at Discogs :book:
Images for Tom Colontonio
Real Name: Thomas Colontonio

Aliases: Artexx, DJ Tommyboy, NJ Mafia

Location: Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA

Hey all sorry cant join you tonight im on my mobile phone posting this!

Big thanks to Danmark for soing the tracklist for me :)


Hey, Resonate:super::super::super:
Turn That Sh!t Up !!! :super: :super: :super: :megacrazy: :dancing:
1082 Listeners ~ DJ Resonate - Energy Transmissions 021 on AH.FM

Hey all sorry cant join you tonight im on my mobile phone posting this!

Big thanks to Danmark for doing the tracklist for me :)


05-02-2011 DJ Resonate - Energy Transmissions 021 :book:

01. Aiera - Aiera
02. Airosource - Diving (Mike van Fabio Remix)
03. Tom Colontonio - Turn That Sh!t Up
04. Rodrigo Deem - Miss You Friend
05. .. .. ..

:loveah: :ah:

:dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

Im back again! :dancing: BTW, great stuff. :dancing:
:super: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :super:
cool tune:super::super::super:
1061 Listeners ~ DJ Resonate - Energy Transmissions 021 on AH.FM

05-02-2011 DJ Resonate - Energy Transmissions 021 :book:

01. Aiera - Aiera
02. Airosource - Diving (Mike van Fabio Remix)
03. Tom Colontonio - Turn That Sh!t Up
04. Rodrigo Deem - Miss You Friend
05. Abstract Vision & Elite Electronic - Sophia
06. .. .. ..

Abstract Vision
Abstract Vision
Discography at Discogs :book:
Images for Abstract Vision
Real Name: Михаила Филимонов (Michael Filimonov)

Member: Michael Filimonov
In August 2010, Michael Matyushin has left Abstract Vision.

Elite Electronic
Elite Electronic
Discography at Discogs :book:
Images for Elite Electronic
Real Name: Вячеслав Ромашкин (Vyacheslav Romashkin) & Александр Палагин (Alexander Palagin)

Members: Alexander Palagin, Vyacheslav Romashkin

I went to check to see if Joe Shadows is on tomorrow. Let's hope I'm up in time! :dancing: I usually sleep a little longer when it's the weekend and don't get up until 12:00 or so. :dancing:
