hey dan is #3 soul or sold or what is it? just kinda confused on how to pronounce the name. also #5 is oel the name name?01. Tom Colontonio - palladium
02. Ronski speed ft. Anda criado - A Sign
03. Liquid sould - Devotion - protoculture remix
04. M.i.k.e. presents Plastic boy - Once in a Lifetime
05. Oli van oel - sensuous delight
06. Fadios - speechless - max graham vs. protoculture
@bjerre A lot of fun tonight!
[FM] [00:00] - Talla 2XLC - Addicted to Trance Nov10 on AH.FM 05-11-2010 [REPLAY] </44 kHz/192 kbps/0 b/>
nice episode!