06-02-2012 Lazarus - Back From The Dead 142 - Defcon Unreleased Showcase Part VI

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Shabba. :mask:

The Elfstedentocht of 1963 is known as "The hell of '63" when only 1% of the contestants finished the race, due to the extremely low temperatures -18°C and a harsh eastern wind. Conditions were so horrendous that the winner of '63, Reinier Paping, became a national hero, and the tour itself legendary.[5][6]

:bumpit: :super: :clap2:

:megacrazy::megacrazy::megacrazy: Nice
Looks like a great set :) :replay:

:hmmm: Maybe an ID-ID too many :megacrazy:
Only one more ID to come :wink:

The ID tracks are just not due out for probably 6 months yet, but it's always nice to see how they're received :)
nice & banging...
