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06-06-2011 Lazarus - Back From The Dead 134

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Time went faaaaaaaast ! thanks for a cool two hours listening Lazarus !

:thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:

Hope you can catch the replay in the morning! If not, the download will be up on my site tomorrow night :music:

Same time next month!

:clap2: :thankyou: :good2: :replay: :grinning:​

:clap2: :thankyou: :good2: :replay: :grinning:​

:clap2: :thankyou: :good2: :replay: :grinning:

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 69 (38 members and 31 guests)
danmark_ori, TeroA+, *AvA*+, Zayni+, Lazarus+, oxerion+, Above the Clouds+, Paul Todd, Lokki+, Pekin Clubbers+, Magdelayna+, Squall+, soundcolours, tracezi+, savachristov, Evgeniy 57, AlphaDog, CICA9THC+, 0Pluisje0, aakos+, chreddy+, AD4E, bartucz, mathur, MrAbsolum, Trance7, nekhroLord, PaulGibson+, boww!, IvanZvuk, Musey, PhilMetcalfe+, Bryan Summerville+, Jaime Cid B, gmalovestrance0312, Arsen14, FunctionC+, Cupido2010

nice set Laz - theres a couple of tracks in yours im playing tomorrow night on here...great minds and all that :)
Cheers mate, will hopefully be home in time to catch that! Have a great one :)
great show Laz--i vote MASSIVE.
Bang on set mate. Nice one :)
tune in for replay :mml::mml::mml::mml:

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 7 (6 members and 1 guests)
Lazarus, Lokki+, NEWPRO, abel, Ella, Tati

:welcome: mate! Hope you all enjoy the show :music:
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 7 (6 members and 1 guests)
Lazarus, Lokki+, NEWPRO, abel, Ella, Tati

:welcome: mate! Hope you all enjoy the show :music:

always enjoying your show Lazarus :dance::dance::super::super:
...and now ..... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
