Speak to you soon, szalony.
i have 5hours to sleep till morning
bye ahddicts
cya around
n0dix: keep bouncing
i have 5hours to sleep till morning
bye ahddicts
cya around
Hello there, n0dix. :smile: Yes, everything is fine but it is still hot in Poland, way too hot... I have some problem with my debit card. I can not buy tunes because it is blocked for some reason.. I went to bank today and they did not know what to do... I must call them when I have some money on my mobile.
i have 5hours to sleep till morning
bye ahddicts
cya around
n0dix: keep bouncing
sleep well aakos,sweet dreams
Yes... They do not know why it is blocked.:LMAO: amazing bank m8
they suxx everywhere
hope your issue solved soon m8
...so please dont make more promises to me...and please dont take everything from me........
dont worry m8,
i'll do with Ella ,
bouncy ofc :angel:
Yes... They do not know why it is blocked.
:: Andain - Everything From Me (Richard Durand Remix) | Black Hole Recordings ::
hello again DJHassanDiesel
Yes... They do not know why it is blocked.
:: Andain - Everything From Me (Richard Durand Remix) | Black Hole Recordings ::
Yes... They do not know why it is blocked.
Andain - Everything From Me (Richard Durand Remix) | Black Hole Recordings