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06-06-2011 Tasadi - World Of Illusions 019

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:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

i have 5hours to sleep till morning :ee:

bye ahddicts :friends:

cya around :beer2:

n0dix: keep bouncing :bounce: :)
so much TyDi there :LMAO:
sleep well aakos,sweet :bounce: dreams :mask::mml:
:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

i have 5hours to sleep till morning :ee:

bye ahddicts :friends:

cya around :beer2:

hello :wave:

and bye :wavecry:

Hello there, n0dix. :wave::hug::friends: :smile: Yes, everything is fine but it is still hot in Poland, way too hot... I have some problem with my debit card. I can not buy tunes because it is blocked for some reason.. :hmmm: I went to bank today and they did not know what to do... I must call them when I have some money on my mobile.

:LMAO: amazing bank m8 :rofl:

they suxx everywhere :rofl:

hope your issue solved soon m8 :)
...so please dont make more promises to me...and please dont take everything from me........:cry::cry::cry:
hello again DJHassanDiesel :dancing::dancing:
:LMAO: amazing bank m8 :rofl:

they suxx everywhere :rofl:

hope your issue solved soon m8 :)
Yes... They do not know why it is blocked. :lol:

Andain - Everything From Me (Richard Durand Remix) | Black Hole Recordings
842 Listeners ~ Tasadi - World of Illusions 019 on AH.FM

Yes... They do not know why it is blocked. :lol:

:: Andain - Everything From Me (Richard Durand Remix) | Black Hole Recordings ::

Discography at Discogs :book:
Images for Andain
Real Name: David John Penner, Josh Damon Gabriel & Mavie Marcos

Members: David Penner, Josh Gabriel, Mavie Marcos

Location: Mason, Ohio, USA


here we go now,here we go...:mml:OHHH YEAHHHH:super:
