PVD is going back to his roots with this impressive remix of way and means
+1. Have you heard his set from Nature One??? Simply AMAZING!!!
nothing owned about that , in my opinion, since i already play progressive
i said GOOD
i'm kidding
About time, his DJ sets of late have been
Someone haven´t had coffee today..
I know...and I like your sets....:grinning:
But must confess that uplifting is my fav style..
i think i missed that one
sucks tiesto didnt want his set to be broadcasted live :|
nah...i just like picking on van Config there, and he knows it
this set is awesome
ye i kinda know most of the people are all about uplifting.. i think that's mostly because 90% of the sets over here are uplifting. You can't say you like AH if you don't like uplifting