07-03-2011 Lazarus - Back From The Dead 131

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The world is changing us .

What have you been dreaming of, then ? :hmmm: I am just working on a presentation 'Society and culture of Greece'.

Thats top secret... :megacrazy:
So we had some students from Poland (and other countries too) at my universty last Saturday - girls mostly. There were lots of Polish sweets..

I've had a pretty crappy Monday too mate, but thankfully, AH.FM has sorted me out ever since I got in from work! :ah:

Every monday is somewhat crappy, atleast during work hours.

Nothing can change your mood like great trance music.
Hi :) a little late but sounding great
* Welcome Forum Newbie Russia *

Start not bad

Monday, 07-03-2011, 03:14 PM #128
Just got here

viterror is online now
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Russia
Posts: 1

:welcome: Welcome at Afterhours.fm Forum viterror ! :bravo: :clap2: :good2: :dancing:

