Midway - Amazon (Ferry Tayle & Stephan R. 'Never Ending Story' Mix)
Midway - Amazon (Ferry Tayle & Stephan R. 'Never Ending Story' Mix)
Midway - Amazon (Ferry Tayle & Stephan R. 'Never Ending Story' Mix)
Amazon !!
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I've just found a pencil i threw out somewhere as listening to Khepera, so getting back to work byes ppl, great show Ferry!
How is it cruel? You left them behind, so I figured you didn't want them anyway.
if you will be serving the drinks, then yeaaaaaaaah
yeah damn Italian boys
they stil all the girls:angry:
yeah damn Italian boys
they stil all the girls:angry:
Haaai Awesome Air-piano Man!
Btw, I've got a similar T-Shirt and similar photo
@Yanyia : Salut toi ! Content de te voir ici
Luckily, you haven't sold them yet
But even if... Oh well, I would find another treasure