everything is good over here and there?
hehe, good to know you're still around though :grinning:
did you know alot of the answers....i always knew how well i did after an exam...usaually had that feeling that the test wasn't as hard as i thought..
well, part of the exam was about to choose the correct answer.. a test with 4 anwers so..... thats why im not sure
Tiff Lacey Otherwise great tune!
Tiff Lacey It could work very well without vocals. Otherwise great tune!
:grinning:Best Show of the week for me followed by Manny Extreme and TATW My three top picks this year in the Dj Mag Top 100 in that order as well
ohh, sorry i can't help you but good luck thenehh If i had a job things would be better, slowly draining the funds! those job things should have been easier to find none of this, enough of this rejection stuff.
multiple choice?
sometimes the tests are really annoying given the way the questions and answer choices are worded...:angry:
one more to go?