having second bussy week but who cares
<<< This icon looks like a thief climbing a wall perhaps rather than dancing!!
will have enough of sleep when will be dead
Indeed...i´m not having enough hours of sleep...
Plus, this economy crisis is making me mad...
haha, du er ikke den første som har spurt om detyo.. why is ur nick danmark hehe.. its denmark in swedish =) and ur from nl hehe..
hey loloHello danmark, cool-dood, Jaycan, sypher, hello here whale
hehe, good to see you
yeah, it was alright! i'm working in this shop for the holiday, and there almost no one that came by
hey lolo
hope you're enjoying this as much as i am
Hello danmark, cool-dood, Jaycan, sypher, hello here whale
HELLO Sypher, AnGHeLL, DhumKetu, DJCesar, greko, danmark_ori, SUNNY TOMORROW, Smithers, lolosormiou, *AvA*, LeSaux, Giedre, segiux, JayCan, sebado, Jellyfish, dfx, peb070, Altered-Mind, xander2v2, c00l.d00d, BassT4ken, Squall, am4, vinniee72, whale, TimmyNether, Illusion, boww!, AD4E, InfinityG35, Stam Aristo, tranceman_g, robejaegs
Heya LoloHello danmark, cool-dood, Jaycan, sypher, hello here whale