this classic did not need a remix
this classic did not need a remix
im doing good... just have had else to do lately... damn Christmas and it will continues next too
oh well atleast I got 2 weeks holiday the Christmas & NY time
yes its crazy isn't it, the mad rushes in the shops etc, i really hate all that and do everything i can to avoid it
this classic did not need a remix
Gorgeous track here
we seriously does have the same taste except Bulldozer
not a fan?
is and amazing tune, but i would not call that a remix he barely did any real work over it, just made it more ''banging'', without making any major changes to the structure
the mirco de govia tunes are beatifull he is a very gifter producer and the have a quality beyond regular trance tunes, as such it sadens me to see this ''remix'' of his tune
thats all
Hello everyone!!
choon here!!
haha whats wrong with bulldozer?
its a lil average
take that tongue in
well, i like it, so the tongue stays out
Vic, im digging that hat.. very cute