09-02-2008 XiJaro - Sunset Excitement

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    Votes: 5 71.4%
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    Votes: 1 14.3%
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    Votes: 1 14.3%
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Dinka - The chemistry

I think
haha..for an hour and a half, yes :tongue:

then his parents came back so i went back home :)

how was your day?
cool :mml:

was ok... nothing special :tongue: didn't have classes today ho hung out with friends and then took a nap :tongue:
hmmm should I open a wine bottle..... :mask:
cool :mml:

was ok... nothing special :tongue: didn't have classes today ho hung out with friends and then took a nap :tongue:
it got cancelled?

you're not going out tonight? :tongue:
yeah.. :tongue:

no, i'll stay at home this time :smile1: with you :hug:
lucky you else you'd have to be up early :)

