Hey everyone
Holy crap! I wanna see! I wanna see, too! (KISS!)
WOOOW i love this
so! are you back to motor bikes again?
I would love to try it one day, the cruising super fast ones!
hello club Girl
and Dddddooooohhhhhh...
glad to see you both.
Uhmmmm.... i.... juuuuussssttttt...... caaaannooooot.... resissssttttt.....
~~ CRANKIT!! ~~
Resisitance is futile with t4e on the wheels of steel!
You go grrlll!!
hehehe ok
just need a few beers lol
Was never on motorbikes, just regular push bike, but yes I got a new one just yesterday :grinning:
Well, now you see me now you dont, I'm off to bed lol, cant resist much more
Nice job again t4e! from what I've heard anyway
See you later