Tuned in just during exposure
Hi All
'a'done? Long time no see/speak
LGR+, owenanddan+, heze, danmark_ori+, playdoh, adone, KasieX, SUNNY TOMORROW, chris41, Argit
Hi everyone!
hello ahddicts
There, fixed it for ya I'm sorry do I know you mate?
never heard this version of "everything" before
hello ahddicts
tried to make a good energetic set today! this one is the opener, awaiting you are 10 tracks ( 06 - 15 ) lots and lots of vocals! and some melody hugeness
There, fixed it for ya I'm sorry do I know you mate?
Hey Altered, when did you sneak in
Sorry, just used to capitalizing names lol.
Yeah you might digidoh from DI, if you're the same adone from there
hi adone
i'm listening in the background just not posting too much
i'm playing yu-gi-oh atm