Crowd reaction to Troucid good?
I have a gig at the end of month wondering if I should drop it or not.
in #ASOT500 Bsas jochen played this tune, and the crowd (included me) and the responded very very well!

Crowd reaction to Troucid good?
I have a gig at the end of month wondering if I should drop it or not.
Rielism 056
01. Julius Beat & Eddie Karmona - Real Life (Khomha remix)
02. Jochen Miller - Troucid
03. Allure ft Henrik B - Mariestad
04. Max Graham ft Neeve Kennedy - So Caught Up
thanxx for the shout the baby is buzzing
thank u for playing this track!!! i love ittt!!!!!!!!
happy mother's day to you!![]()
thxxxxxxxxxxxx the baby is 48 hours old and now at homelisteing to this show his first radio show,,,,,, the sied van riel show ;-)
thanxx for the shout the baby is buzzing
thxxxxxxxxxxxx the baby is 48 hours old and now at homelisteing to this show his first radio show,,,,,, the sied van riel show ;-)