The one and only? Good job!Time for GUESTMIX...
...special live set from ALUCARD
Lustral - Everytime
Yes, didn't you notice?What the hell is this a whitney houston concert????
First two tracks in a guestmix were:
Mango - Good Morning Track (Sundriver Intro Mix) [Mango Alley]
Lustral - Everytime (Alucard's 'Everytime' Remix) [CD-R]
Alucard - Dreamheart [Pogressive Nueva][/FONT]
Hello everyone!
Hello Polar! Just fine here, and you too I hopedag welcome Nostradamus ! :grinning:
Hello Polar! Just fine here, and you too I hope
It´s nice to hear something different from time to time, I can feel thath when you listen to this sets here I wonder "diddent I just hear this?"the music's fine. This creates another choice: when to leave for some food (so far: I stay ) maybe next set ! :grinning: