:grinning2:I got to say hi and kiss all my boys.
TeroA, Squaller, Haig, Aakos, Wailo, Evgeny. (kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss)
Hey 2Frey. Your set is wonderful. I need it. (kiss)
Snable, Shiny N. I don't know you boys, but I'd like to. (hugs)
the tracklist at the end of set the friends
DJ 2FREY on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
Just -1 celsius :grinning2:I especially adore my frozen mancicle Finn boys. (kiss)
edit: How cold is it today?
Just -1 celsius :grinning2:
the tune selection 4 today is amazing,..... he played cafe del mar.. i love that song!!!
hi thank yes it s the warm up for signum hihihih
It's not that cold, I'm used to it :grinning2:OMG, that's nasty. You need a cat to keep you warm. (kiss)