whattup guys! nice tunes today!
:grinning: Hello ! Light Sequence+, Filo, verdano, piccoli+, gizmo76, Lucas B, boww!, trace of trance+, hardermach, TimmyNether
hello you 2
whattup piccoli - nice to see you here today
pc fixed here
hi people
i have been really busy this days,i fixed my pc finally,it fas full of a damn virusHello mate, we missed you a lot here.. whats up?
i have been really busy this days,i fixed my pc finally,it fas full of a damn virus
but is ok now
how are you man?:grinning:
am I talking to myself?
01. Above & Beyond - Volume One (7Skies vs Static Blue Mix)
02. Adam Nickey - Shift (Original Mix)
03. Andy Blueman - Time To Rest (Daniel Kandi Bangin Mix)
04. Mike Foyle - Pandora (Original Mix)
05. Marcos - Cosmic String (2008 Remake)
06. David Newsum - Sand Dune (Original Mix)
Lost for Words
yeah,it is 10000000000000 kms underground:grinning:thanx to godness the virus is in the hell now..
and i am quite fine