oh crap i forgot he was on today!
*A-M will be right back in a moment*
Yeah,well he's playing crap atm
so you're not missing anything exceptional...
oh crap i forgot he was on today!
*A-M will be right back in a moment*
not sure if in any other coutry they offer something like that :tongue:
hahaha i will! :tongue:Hahahhahahahahaha!
Keep notes coz you've got a test coming on that stuff...
i dont think so :tongue::tongue:
not sure if in any other coutry they offer something like that :tongue:
like what
like prepaid contract for phones :tongue:
prepaid phone cards ftw! :grinning:
prepaid contracts phones ftw!prepaid phone cards ftw! :grinning:
I'm a cannibal btw!
I'm a cannibal btw!
:LMAO:and I'm the Incredible Hulk's brother btw