Hey girl!What's happenin?
Work, sleep, online... and everyday the same.. Last night i slept only 2.5 hours so I'm quite tired but really enjoy the music..
Hey girl!What's happenin?
hey ClubGirl
too many things in my mind, a crapy year etc...etc......but i'm hoping to make a fresh start in 2008
Work, sleep, online... and everyday the same.. Last night i slept only 2.5 hours so I'm quite tired but really enjoy the music..
hello t4e how are you today ? any plans for evening? it's friday!
and i have to work but it's a different case...
............ Nyctalopia ...........
So beautiful and dreamy track...
i'm well, thank you...nah..i have no plans for this weekend nor next week, i hate getting out of the house at this time of year, the damn Christmas rush is unbelievable, i'll be home listening and taking care of things that i've been putting off for a while now
you got plans?
hello everyone :hello:
hello everyone :hello:
Hey sebinzo!How's things man?
hello, beautiful tracks here! awesome