Happy belated B-day......sorry for being that late...:blush:..
Well, i didn´t know that in Texas there was other season than Summer...
From now until March it´s hot like hell here in Brazil...
I guess that must mean that you like it, eh?
HA! Yeah. That's sure what Danmark believes. He was one uncomfortable Polar Bear when he was here last October.
Yeah. Texas DOES have 4 seasons. They are:
Almost Summer
Still Summer
Football Season
That happened to some european friends of mine who came to Natal (one of the hottest places here in Brazil)...they were melting...
But the opposite is true,though...when we go to Europe in winter, we suffer...
d00d. i see you in the HMF.
If I can scrape the cash together, I'm scheduled to go to NL this coming January for Polar's B-Day. No doubt I'll freeze my paws off. Brrrr. :no:
[PT] eu queria falar que acho que vi você na helvetia, mas meu inglês de indio não me permitiu [/PT]What???
I hope you can make to NL...there´s a chance that I´ll be there too...