*GRINS* psssh....PCs.......
what...with a MAC you get a Green Screen i supose
*GRINS* psssh....PCs.......
meeeow...i mean...roooaaarrrrr
i know what it feels likeim sitting here like a zombie...... staring at the screen wanting to post but too tired to type
what you don't like them?
apple addict:hump:
that´s magik singing
anyway guys, i'm off
cya tomorrow
are you sure?
really nice show
really nice show
i guess im disqualified to reply that one by now
really nice show
you mean yuo're "doin' it" right now or all the time?
he is not going anywhere see still onlineNIGHT TOMEK!
hello Dan...can always count on Will to rock the house
hello Dan...can always count on Will to rock the house
what you don't like them?
apple addict:hump:
not ROCK the house, TRANCE up the house