something wrong with your throat, love ? :angel:
No I have not! No booze, no weed and no cat nip. Just my normal happy insane self. Nothing but pure Cat Lady today. Want me to focus on YOU for a few minutes? I'll make you blush, Paul. I'll make you laugh hysterically. (kiss)
i found COlontonio Podcast 14, the one i couldnt dowlnoad a while back.just finished in the phone... and what do i hear!!?!
PvD stuff and now LED :LMAO:
hey cat lady what happened to the cat at your ava?
hahahahai found COlontonio Podcast 14, the one i couldnt dowlnoad a while back.
Uh. Hmmm. No. Why ever would you think that? (CYA kiss)
Thats a cruel trick to play on me!
i'm back
i missed "For an angel"