3 years have passed since the first idea of Silent Shore Records was born in the minds of Tibor Tomecko and Lukas Novak. It was exactly 3 years ago when first release of ReOrder pres. Group Number One Flight To soul was made and later released in August 2009. Now Tibor has created a brand you outstanding uplifter under his Group Number One alias to celebrate 100th release of our label Silent Shore Records call Cry Me A Rainbow.
A pure uplifter it is. Starts gently with pumping beat and building up baseline when the sound of screaming hawk releases the tune into its beauty. Build up grows and reveals slightly then upcoming melody of the piano. More to come in the breakdown when the story begins to merge. Piano keys with the background choir creates the pure uplifting atmosphere we all expect from ReOrder. Main lead comes in and the energy released after the drop is just beautiful. Proudly this is the Anthem of our 100th Release and almost 3 years on the scene.