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15-08-2008 Sean Tyas - Phased out Phriday August 2008 with Greg Morris

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my next show i have this tune but another rework with a better bassline..

ooO can't wait! :wow:

howdy. wussup? i'm just getting myself comfy in the place i'm housesitting for 2 weeks. went to the oddbins and got me a nice bottle of red as a treat. the guy knew what he was talking about when he recommended this one. it's nice:)

how is everyone/

haha.. enjoy the vine :D I just got back to London few days ago, and still getting used to here :)
ooO can't wait! :wow:

haha.. enjoy the vine :D I just got back to London few days ago, and still getting used to here :)
Bet you must be pleased about the weather forcast for this weekend :mask::P
oooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeah tahat is Wippenberg- should have known

Bryan Kearney played this track on Sunrise festival in my country in Poland

and now Girl you lost your cocaine

Ah yes Wippenberg, I always get his shiz mixed up for some reson with older 2005 2006 choones.. Thx Feel_it.
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DistantLand I haven't heard you spin in a while just checking out your set054 right now.. Hopefully it's good jogging material..
DistantLand I haven't heard you spin in a while just checking out your set054 right now.. Hopefully it's good jogging material..

Distantland puts on some great shows. Basically anything that AH.fm puts on the torrents are good jogging or work out music and especially when your out driving ! :grinning::music:
