say hi to barney the purple alcohol loving t-rex for me
later mate
he's going to the shower LOL, he always say that when he goes for that
indeed ^^
now dinner time
see youuuu
oh! nice song
say hi to barney the purple alcohol loving t-rex for me
later mate
he's going to the shower LOL, he always say that when he goes for that
Guess we shall air the track "Beauty hides in the deep" then
you got 3.000 congrats
yeah,i´ll inlude it
i hope you like it
hahahahah:LMAO::LMAO::LMAO:Btw where did that fork pricked sausage go?
Dont see tht joker around now!
or Aurora, The Last Time, Tangerine, also Out There - free to choose
Btw where did that fork pricked sausage go?
Dont see tht joker around now!
Btw where did that fork pricked sausage go?
Dont see tht joker around now!
and make a mashupi'll choose all
fried on sauerkraut
Sorry guys for demeaning someone ... I really hate doing it .. but I am just astonished at the kind of immaturity this guy bears
awesome set so far!