15-10-2008 Livesets Forum Poll votes Public

(Root) Admin, Moderators and the creator of the poll can alter them. Standard for any vBulletin, or IPB forum

vBulleting does have an option where you can set the Poll to allow users to change their vote, its an add-on not currently installed afaik:)
i hate the dj,i vote shit even if i didnt listen the show at all <--- cause it HAPPENED , many times

indeed, in fact such (or a similar) incident was the reason for the sudden change. (no names will be mentioned.)
bad idea... im never voting again. Your votes should be private. Who gives a shit who voted what, people are still being honest with there opinions. After all, you don't hear governments announcing who voted what after elections.

If someone gives you a bad vote, than as a DJ it should mean something to you.. ie. your set didnt please everyone, try something different next time. This is just another way to make enemies.

If some individuals want to be retards and vote bad simply because they hate the DJ, than they have there own issues. What kind of support is that?
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why not vote again because its Public?.....when i vote i do it truthfully and i don't need to hide behind a Private Poll
Who gives a shit who voted what, people are still being honest with there opinions.

unfortunately they're not, we've clearly seen that, that was the whole reason for making this change.

After all, you don't hear governments announcing who voted what after elections.

yes, a political voting is quite a different matter with a different intention. can't compare the two really.

If someone gives you a bad vote, than as a DJ it should mean something to you.. ie. your set didnt please everyone, try something different next time.

unfortunately this isn't always the case. in some cases, it just meant someone doesn't like the DJ, personally. without even having listened to the set. hence the change.

If some individuals want to be retards and vote bad simply because they hate the DJ, than they have there own issues. What kind of support is that?

yes exactly. unfortunately they still did.
Why not make a poll whether the polls should be public... would this poll then be public, or would there be another poll whether the poll about having public polls should be public... or something... what what?:confused:
Why not make a poll whether the polls should be public... would this poll then be public, or would there be another poll whether the poll about having public polls should be public... or something... what what?:confused:

I agree with Robbie, the public vote will not make a change, because people are honest about their opinions whether it is anon or public, even for example if we say that some of voters are not honest with their vote, how would the public vote solve this? anyone can vote whatever he/she wants and no have the right to point a knife on his/her neck and ask hem/her to justify it! :lol:
it is just the beginning of a closed circle...

I am not against the public voting, but I think it is completely a waste of time, At the end of the day, voting is not mandatory, so it is better to work on attracting people to it by making it easier and friendly, you need to have more votes, not to cut them.


hahaha.. :)
If someone gives you a bad vote, than as a DJ it should mean something to you.. ie. your set didnt please everyone, try something different next time. This is just another way to make enemies.

Hi Robby:friends:

I understand this point in 2 different ways.

1: ) When the votes generally are bad for sure the DJ has to think about what hes playing, make his skills better, try other styles etc...In that case you are absolutly right and i sign what you said...but....

2.) What will happen if some users are here just to piss at some DJs ? For example what will happen if there are Users they love HOUSE and are just here on ah to bash against Trance ?
or what is about PPl they just like Hard Trance and go to every Show where uplift is played and always vote Pretty Bad or Not my Style ??

I think ppl must know what happens to improve
And i think PPl they are just here cause they have no other things to do in life and make shit like bashing Shows...i think they must leave ah

What will happen if some more do that and th DJ thinks he has to change something causing on bashing shit ??

Thats the backside of the coin

What will happen if bashing is the future Version to make a radiostation down ? What will happen to all the great awesome Shows we have here ??

I Dunno but if my Show is always votet with some pretty bad and not my style from a few users they do that also in ALL other uplifting Shows... i have to think thats my fault..and afterwards it comes out it was just bashing....hmmm .... what will happen.....

just a thought
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I am not against the public voting, but I think it is completely a waste of time, At the end of the day, voting is not mandatory, so it is better to work on attracting people to it by making it easier and friendly, you need to have more votes, not to cut them.

luckily that change took me only 30 seconds or so, so even if it was really a waste of time, i could live with that :lol:

but tbh, i'd rather have less votes with more quality and more weight, instead of more votes with less meaning.
i for one doesent care about the votes that much - ofc if a million dudes go "not my style" or "utter crap" on me - then we have a situation - but i'm just playing what i want to - without regard to the voters - infact i care more about the guys posting in the thread and telling me what they think - that the most people like it is just to my favour but still i take the "quotes" more seriously than votes - and i think that that is the most important :).

So if the votes are public or not is not that big a deal to me - there is no personal against people that dont like my show on that matter - if the person voting bad is someone i know i ofc wanna know why he/she did vote like they did - but it shouldnt be a problem. - it would keep me from voting anything but massive/good though - cause i kindda think im biased since voting bad might make someone else ***** about me :P

but we are all grown ups and i have yet to catch a dreadful show :P
Love you all!
Well I usually make my opinion about the shows i'm listening to pretty clear in the threads. So I'm not going to lie when I vote. If I think in my opinion a show is say pretty bad, then I will vote pretty bad. If people want to see why then they should look in the thread if they are that concerned to do so:wink:
Whoever does not feel right about this change speak your minds :)

thank you
We all know what shows we enjoy here.If you don't like the current sound go elsewhere till that show is over or better yet I'm quite sure we have a ton of music on are PC's to carry us through that next hour or so.

In regards to bashing in the threads.It has gone a little overboard.One can be to the point without offending the dj or someone who is listening that does enjoy the track.

I was always honest with my votes so I really have no probelm either way(Public or Closed).

With that said,lets have a tad bit more respect for the dj's spinning and the community around us:hug:
We all know what shows we enjoy here.If you don't like the current sound go elsewhere till that show is over or better yet I'm quite sure we have a ton of music on are PC's to carry us through that next hour or so.

In regards to bashing in the threads.It has gone a little overboard.One can be to the point without offending the dj or someone who is listening that does enjoy the track.

I was always honest with my votes so I really have no probelm either way(Public or Closed).

With that said,lets have a tad bit more respect for the dj's spinning and the community around us:hug:

Yes, well having thought it through I think your probably right. Maybe we are getting a little to agressive in our judgements about the stuff being played.

There has been a lot ill feeling lately in some of the threads and some of it i'm sure hurtfull to the dj who is after all just playing his/her own style.

Also we have to remember that many people who come to that particular thread actually enjoy that kind of style. We may not all like vocals in trance or progressive in its many different styles, but many do. And we should better respect that and be less tempered in our criticism. Anyway we can hardly complain when its all free, can we???
Yes, well having thought it through I think your probably right. Maybe we are getting a little to agressive in our judgements about the stuff being played.

There has been a lot ill feeling lately in some of the threads and some of it i'm sure hurtfull to the dj who is after all just playing his/her own style.

Also we have to remember that many people who come to that particular thread actually enjoy that kind of style. We may not all like vocals in trance or progressive in its many different styles, but many do. And we should better respect that and be less tempered in our criticism. Anyway we can hardly complain when its all free, can we???

Totally agree with you mate :friends:
Hi everybody,

this is my 3rd post on forum.ah.fm. It's not everybodies habit to comment everything or to vote. My vote is between good and massive when I'm listening to ah.fm. If I don't like a particular show I tune to another station. Quite simple.
At the moment 60 of 965 listeners are logged in. 905 just listen. How many of the 60 are staff or DJ, and how many who are left then vote? Don't overrate the polls as they are now. Put the number of listeners into account.
I appreciate the work of everybody at ah.fm, that's why I donated. But people may not have enough time to read and write about every show they listen to.
I should have no problem with public polls. As a consequence "No thanks, not my style" would be unnecessary.

Greetings from rainy Germany :grinning:
Quiet [or silent?] listener firefox_muc :music:
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Hi everybody,

this is my 3rd post on forum.ah.fm. It's not everybodies habit to comment everything or to vote. My vote is between good and massive when I'm listening to ah.fm. If I don't like a particular show I tune to another station. Quite simple.
At the moment 60 of 965 listeners are logged in. 905 just listen. How many of the 60 are staff or DJ, and how many who are left then vote? Don't overrate the polls as they are now. Put the number of listeners into account.
I appreciate the work of everybody at ah.fm, that's why I donated. But people may not have enough time to read and write about every show they listen to.
I should have no problem with public polls. As a consequence "No thanks, not my style" would be unnecessary.

Greetings from rainy Germany :grinning:
Quiet [or silent?] listener firefox_muc :music:

