Thanks for your personal choice yielding a most remarkable piano set Orkidea : dank je wel !
Big thanks to everybody for the nice words! Much appreciated and so happy if most of you enjoyed it

I will make it available as download soon at
Hope to catch you again next month and of course during the EOYC too. It will also be quite a special set
15-12-2010 Orkidea - Radio Unity 024
01. Robert Miles: Children (Lowland orchestral version)
02. Philip Glass Metamorphosis: Metamorphosis Five
03. Thrillseekers: Synaesthesia (Lowland orchestral version)
04. Thomas Newman: Any Other Name
05. Way Out West: Mindcircus (Lowland orchestral version)
06. Philip Glass: Truman Sleeps
07. BT: Flaming June (Lowland orchestral version)
08. Yann Tiersen: Comptine d'un autre été - L'après-midi
09. Greece 2000: Café del Mar (Lowland orchestral version)
10. Michael Nyman: The Heart Asks Pleasure First / The Promise
11. Chicane: Theme from Harry's Game (Saltwater) (Lowland orchestral version)
12. Wim Mertens: Close Cover
13. Aalto: Rush (Lowland orchestral version)
14. Cosmic Baby: Thinking About Myself
15. Binary Finary: 1998 (Lowland orchestral version)
16. Wim Mertens: Struggle for Pleasure
17. Slusnik Luna: Sun (Lowland orchestral version)

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