*kisses nose*
I win
This time...
*kisses nose*
I win
well. i see a beautiful girl
like it or not
well. i see a beautiful girl
like it or not
I tell her every day, she wont have it
This time...
I tell her every day, she wont have it
Show me her then I will tell you if she's beautiful or not.
look the nearest mirror.
Every time
I know, I'm stubborn as a hell
Oh, and you didn't today I mean yesterday..
this set hasn't really set the hook yet.... not bad or anything like that, but just has yet to really grab me. Usually Manuel does though. Maybe I just need to be sipping more Balvenie Double Wood
Don't have any mirrors in my room. That would be too cruel for my eyes
Yes I did
Dont you see this is one battle you wont win? its ok though