i was thinking the same
this is a lovely show
oh that's so nice from you
tomorrow is a simple pub-drinking-night and then at friday --> a party with Menno de Jong it'll be the 4th time to see him :smile:
Another big tune here
If only we didnt suck so badly at IDing
Far fooking out! Color me jealous! I've never seen him. He don't come here. You are going to have a BLAST! (kiss)
hmm well, as far as i know most of the time Menno's gigs are in Europe..:smile:
Evening peeps. Just wanne say nice choon Usually don't like so much vocal but this is nice for a change ID plx! haha.
Oh thank you :smile:
Newbie Alert!
Hi Vangard. (kiss)
Welcome to AfterHours. We love this place. You will, too, if you hang out here much at all. The music is the best in the world and we are a friendly bunch. (rekiss)