Slow start )))!!!
good morning okmax ! :grinning:
Lyrics: " You're not alone tonight "
Hi danmark_ori !!!!! Glad see U!!!
How are U Mate?
Woke up with back-ache
but going to visit my doctor in a few hours ! :grinning:
hope u have some luck mate
don't take too many pain killers or u will never be able to go to the toilet again
i been where u r now
it is AWFUL
make sure u sit really carefully and supported at the pc....
that's how i did my back in.....always in the one posture over a pc
good luck mate
hey everyone, I hope you're enjoying the show!
hey everyone, I hope you're enjoying the show!
Woke up with back-ache
but going to visit my doctor in a few hours ! :grinning:
hey everyone, I hope you're enjoying the show!