where you going?massive and bye
where you going?massive and bye
Soundlift is massive!!!\O/ thats how producers should producer ala miller, trance arts, temple one and soundlift\O/
yeah they are cousins
massive and bye
yeah. but not good at ID'sThe SoundLift track has that "oriental" extra, remember ?
great ears:grinning: sounded like Soundlift - Nahkti there for a moment.
yeah but he's IN & OUT, IN & OUT
awesome tune again
good night
see ya
have fun everyone
goodnight Emotiongood night
see ya
have fun everyone
i wonder how many of these tracks are available for d/l?
yeah. but not good at ID's
nrew one releasing soon from Trance Arts is going to be massive. including the Dereck Recay Remix. massive is that going to beyeap Junior SoundLift and Trance Arts in my Top Fav Now !!