hehe hello everyone... hope you are having a great day.. i am at work now
hello volt......me too, my day is juts starting
hello to all
hello..! hope ull have a great day..
its 4:30 pm here...cant wait to go home hehe
LMAO...the beauty of being with people from all over the world...its 7.30am here, got a long way to go.....enjoy your evening!!!!
this track gives goosebumps, just beautiful
yea but funny enough im in a meeting right now
im addicted to music so i cant miss it here
hey n·iq·ui·trance, you lurker...what is your solution to the puzzle?
Hi t4e!
The German did it in the green house whilst drinking coffee and smoking a Prince.
Good thing we changed threads, now I don't have to worry about a spoiler alert.
You up early today?
hehe...yeap, see you are smart
its 7.39am and i'm at work
It took me forever to figure it out, I couldn't do it in my head, had to write it down.
Whoa, that sucks! At work at 7:30A!
i was late today, i'm usually here at 7am , i prefer to get in before everyone else, i'm an early riser anyway