TheConfusedOne is here.
guestmix is first :grinning:
TheConfusedOne is further confused by track selection. Is this Barry Connell's usual style?
Who is Barry Connell?
ahhh so this is Barry....I thought....where the hell is the Tyas energy
Nocturnal anyone? LOL
Nocturnal anyone? LOL
You don't think that's energetic!
Dude you should go get checked or sth...
hahahaha! i feel the same way
TheConfusedOne is further confused by track selection. Is this Barry Connell's usual style?
Who is Barry Connell?
what are you listening to, cuz what i'm hearing is definitely not energetic...
Awwww man,here we go with the philosophical stuff!
Who am I,where do I come from?
well i searched for him on discogs and didn't find him
maybe, just maybe..he has a website?
DJ BARRY CONNELL :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::