im sure that the sun kisses you where ever you areCatching Sun Mix
I'd love to be catching the sun right now
lyrics now
some braincreator
don't look at me :LMAO::LMAO:
some braincreator
take care:hump:
im sure that the sun kisses you where ever you are
oh my god im so lyrical uplifting today
very smooth and lyrical today..:grinning:how is everyone doing?!!?
cool and you?:grinning:how is everyone doing?!!?
how's going my great friend?
*Faustus throws the vocals to A-M*
*Faustus throws the vocals to A-M*
your going to get him more alteredj/k*Faustus throws the vocals to A-M*
+jelly+me= OMG!!