19-09-2009 Ronny K. - trance4nations 023

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massive choonage!!!



And guys, dont forget on this massive event here on ah.fm, ill be ofcourse here aswell


THE track I love !!!!

A ID (ronny k.'s) I love for the episode 15 (January 2009) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :choon::bravo:

This track lead me in paradise !!! One of the best of my life !!!!!!!!!
How is your mom doing? I hope you told her hi for me. (kiss) :grinning::hug::cat:

:grinning: Sure ! It's all okay - she was busy again - parttime study in the morning, visiting my sister too :friends:
I know this ID-ID from UK 004 mix by Ronny K......this track is incredible a LOVE.This is the sound of Ronny K. !!!!!!!!!TOP 5 in 2009 year for me !!!!!
WOOOOOOHOOOOOO :mml: :mml: :mml::mml: :mml: :mml::mml: :mml: :mml:
Im sorry but this has to be the tune of the set for me!! Really emotional and energetic
